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Finance & Fundraising

Local Businesses and Organizations
supporting the
Housatonic Council

Support the Housatonic Council by making a donation!

Secure online BSA donation site


Friends of Scouting

The Friends of Scouting (FOS) Family Campaign for the Housatonic Council is an annual fundraising event. Contributions are needed to ensure a quality Scouting program. Please pledge your support.

Matching Gift / Volunteer Programs


Employer matching gifts leverage your contribution at no cost to you! Contact your employer to see if they offer a matching gift program.


For the Employee Matching gift guidelines click here


Go Solar and Support Scouting


If you qualify, you can support the Housatonic Council just by going solar.  The Housatonic Council will receive $100 when a member talks with a Trinity Solar consultant.  If you decide to go solar and have Trinity Solar do the install the Housatonic Council will receive $1,000. 


These funds are split 50/50 with the referring troop.  Please let your family and friends know that they can support our scouts by finding a way to save money on their utility costs.


For more information click here.


Online Donation
Matching Gifts
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Derby Shelton Rotary
2025 Popcorn Sales Campaign

If you are interested in more information on the 2025 Popcorn campaign contact
Oakbridge Management
How to Designate Your United Way Pledge to the Housatonic Council


The third point of the Scout Law reminds us of our duty to assist those in need whenever we can.   Throughout the year, charitable organizations conduct campaigns to assist those in need.   The United Way is one of those organizations, and is a special friend to the Housatonic Council by supporting Scouting in Ansonia, Derby, Oxford, Seymour, and Shelton.


During this time of year, many local companies conduct United Way campaigns.  I ask that you consider charitable contributions to the United Way and also, if you prefer, to consider the Housatonic Council, BSA, as a “designated charity” if you are given the choice.   Also, you may be given the opportunity to “write in” the Housatonic Council as a “designated charity” and I provide the following information to assist:


Charity Name:                   Housatonic Council, BSA

Address:                            111 New Haven Avenue

                                          Derby, CT 06418


Contact:                            Carole Cafaro

Telephone:                        203-734-3329

EIN:                                  06-0646676


I thank you for your attention and continued support of Scouting in the Housatonic Council.


Buy A Brick
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Buy A Brick


All proceeds will benefit the program delivery of the Housatonic Council and Camp Strang with ongoing maintenance and capital improvement.  


Your engraved brick(s) will be a long term display of your personal commitment to Housatonic Council Scouting, Camp Strang, Boy Scout values and all the volunteers that make Boy Scouts of America a great organization and family. 


Currently all purchased bricks will be placed at the Edmund D. Strang Scout Reservation for all to see. 


All of us in the Housatonic Council thank you for your continuous commitment and support of our Council, Camp Strang and Scouting.


If you are interested in purchasing a brick please contact the Council Service Center at 203-734-3329 x 0


Examples of the types of bricks that you can buy to support the programs at Strang Scout Reservation.
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Ten Things You Can Do to Support Scouting

  1. Enroll your children in Scouting.
    They will love it and thank you for it!

  2. Become a BSA volunteer.
    With the enormous time pressures in their lives, America's youth need time well spent. Whether you volunteer as a den leader, Scoutmaster, or merit badge counselor, Scouting will be worth your time and effort because of the benefits it provides to youth.

  3. Tell your neighbors and friends about Scouting.
    Youth love Scouting and its activities, but they love it even more when their friends are involved.

  4. Get your place of worship involved in Scouting.
    Churches, synagogues, and mosques are great places for Scouting activities. The Boy Scouts of America supports the strong ideals and values that families are looking for today.

  5. Write a letter to your local newspaper.
    The Boy Scouts is a great organization that builds character and values. Tell other people about it!

  6. Write a letter to your United Way.
    The Boys Scouts of America is one of the founding organizations of the United Way. The Boy Scouts of America and United Way have a long relationship. Many of the more than 1,400 local United Way chapters support the BSA. Let them know what a great job Scouting is doing in your community.

  7. Write your local school board president and principal.
    Thank them for the opportunity to use their facilities for Scouting activities, for the use of their bulletin boards to get information to youth, and for the access their school provides to help get information to parents of Scouting-age youth.

  8. Call your local Boy Scout council.
    Tell them how much you appreciate what the organization is doing in your community to build tomorrow's leaders. You can also visit the BSA Web site at to locate your local council.

  9. Organize a Scout color guard for local athletic events or city council meetings.
    It is important for people to see Scouting as a meaningful and vital part of the community.

  10. Financially support a youth in need.
    Everyone who shares BSA's strong values should be able to participate in Scouting. Contribute to Scouting and you will change a life. Visit our Web site at to make a donation.

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