Edmund D. Strang Scout Reservation
Owned and operated by the Housatonic Council, Boy Scouts of America and located in the foothills of
Litchfield County, strang scout reservation's 186 acres of forest, fields and streams provide the back drop
to an excitingscouting experience.
Camping is the great outdoor experience of scouting. As a scout becomes at home in the outdoors, he
unconsciously absorbs some of the greatness of nature itself - the stillness of the forest, the merriment of the
mountain stream, the breath of the ocean, the freedom of the ski, the clearness the wild, the beauty of the
sunset. As he works with nature, his resourcefulness and self-reliance grow. The woods, the streams,
the trails and the wild creatures that inhabit them become his friends and the outdoors a lifelong source of recreation.
It is in this spirit that Strang Scout Reservation presents its outdoor opportunities; the woods and the lake become the scouts home during his stay. His unit leaders and the staff help him to appreciate and understand his new home. Their efforts urge the scout to confront and overcome the challenges of the great outdoors and all that is within.
In the words of Baden Powell, "we are school of the woods", and camping is a keystone in our program. It is one of the great tools by which we shape the citizen-to-be for now and the future.
Campmasters Needed!!
If you are interested in becoming a Camp Ambassador, please contact Carole Cafaro at 203-734-3329 x 302 or by email

Camp Strang Facilities
Training Center
The Training Center is available for Scout and non Scout groups looking for a modern facility.
Camp Strang is about 15 minute from Mohawk Ski Mountain!! The Training Center has 4
bedrooms that hold 6 scouts and an additional bedroom that holds 6 leaders. It has a modern
kitchen. It has a large meeting room or Dinning area. The facility has 2 modern bathrooms with
a shower in each. The building is heated by gas furnace. A modern facility in a camp setting.
This facility is located just inside the entrance gate.

Tierny Lodge
Tierney Lodge is a winter cabin facility that holds 30 guests. It is heated by a wood stove located
in the middle of the building. There are picnic tables lined down the middle for gathering. A
curtain can be used to separate the room for privacy. There is a wood pile located near the back
of this cabin. A great place for a troop to have a winter cabin camping experience. Mohawk Ski
Mountain is located about 15 minutes from Camp. This lodge is locate right off the main parking
lot as you enter camp.

Bassett Lodge
The Bassett Building is a winter cabin located well into Camp Strang. You will have a sense of privacy!! The Bassett Building holds 28 people. It has a small entrance way that can house leaders or the back corner can be divided off with a tarp. The building is heated with a wood stove. There are picnic tables in the center for gathering. The Bassett Building gives you indoor wood stove heated sleeping in the winter while be very private for your activities. Mohawk Ski Mountain is located about 15 minutes from Camp Strang!!

Tierney Lean Tos
The Tierney Lean Tos are located down a short tail from the Bassett Building. This gives you that Adirondack shelter camping experience. There are 6 lean tos and each sleeps 4 people. The bunks are built in. There is a campfire circle located in the campsite. A great way to spend a winter evening at a Scout Camp!! Mohawk Ski Mountain is located 15 minutes from Camp Strang!!