Eagle Scout Resource Page

Important Eagle Scout Information
For Eagle Scouts and Parents
What is an Eagle Scout?
Age Guidelines for Tool Use and Work at Elevations
Are You an Eagle Scout?
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook - Follow Instructions on page to Download
Eagle Scout Project Coaches
Guide to Advancement
How to properly wear your palms as a Scout or as an Adult
Information on Project Beneficiaries
Eagle Invitation List for your Eagle Ceremony
Here's an Eagle Scout congratulatory letter request template to use or adapt
Service Project Planning Guidelines - Eagle Scout
Service Project Planning Guidelines
Memorandum of Understanding for "Crowdfunding"
For the Troop Advancement Chair
Eagle Candidate Recommendation Request Letter
Eagle Candidate Recommendation Survey
Return Envelope for Reference Letter
Eagle Checklist - Fillable
Eagle Palm Requirements as of 8-1-2017

Please Note:
Please call the Service Center and request your Unverified Eagle Application form & use it. Changes can be made on the form if necessary.
The Advancement Committee meets the fourth Monday of the month, except in May and December.
Eagle Candidates
To have your project consider for review it must be in one week prior to the meeting
Boards of Review - all paperwork must be turned in by the second Monday of the Month to be reviewed for errors and to allow enough time for recommendation letters to be returned.
Eagle Scout Scholarship Applications Are Online
National Eagle Scout Association website
This year, just over 4,500 applications were received for the 109 scholarships awarded. Of those applicants, 937 used the wrong form and thus were immediately rejected. Please consider the time and effort these applicants took to complete the application and to gather reference letters, and their anticipation as they mailed their application and awaited a response. Yet the rule is that they must use the correct application. None of these applicants ever had a chance.
Ed and Caroline Strang Eagle Scout Scholarship Application
Fillable - Ed and Caroline Strang Eagle Scout Scholarship Application
Eagle Scout Project Coaches
Eagle Scout Project Coach Application
Does your unit already have Eagle Project Coaches? If you require an Eagle Scout Project Coach outside of your unit please contact the Council Service Center at 203-734-3329 x 302 or by email